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Fukuichi historic park

The remains of a colony and grave group in the late Yayoi period to the period of ancient burial mounds which spread in altitude of 20~40 m.
There are much ancient ruins on the outskirts, and Yonago Uchi is also leading ruins narrow quarters.
Discovery of the large-scale remains of a colony which also attain to hundreds, and 200 or more ruins, such as 土壙墓, That they were such overly large-scale ruins hears that it is incomparable even if about 35,000 points (thing new in vestiges of a colony, such as steaming basket form earthenware, brute form miniature earthenware, a top form spindle vehicle, hen form earthenware, a having a child comma-shaped bead, and a broken mirror) excavate and the piece of Haji pottery sees nationally.
Some ruins are saved as a historic park with the present condition, a restoration dwelling is also made now, and the scenery of the Yayoi period is reproduced.
It is crowded as a famous place of a cherry tree or an azalea in spring.