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Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum

Lafcadio Hearn (Japanese name as Koizumi Yakumo) is a writer well known for collecting Japanese folk ghost stories such as Miminashi-Houichi and Yuki-onna. The museum exhibits items and articles belonging to Hearn, and introduces Hearn's entire life.
  • Address: 322 Okudanicho, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, 690-0872
  • Phone: +81-852-21-2147
  • Daily Operating Hours:
    April-September 8:30-18:30
    October-March 8:30-17:00
  • Admission: Adults 300yen, Children 150yen
  • Discount for Foreign Visitors: (Adults) 300 yen down to 150 yen
  • Credit Card Facilities: Not Available
  • Wi-Fi: Not Available
  • URL: Follow this Link