Encounter warm and friendly people; discover good old Japan.

Karakoro Art Studio

Karakoto Art Studio is a former bank building, which was restored and reopened as a handifcraft center containing both production and sales facilities. A variety of food and drink are also available.

  • Address: 43, Tono-machi, Matsue-shi, 690-0887, Shimane
  • Phone: 0852-20-7000
  • Open:
    ◇Art Studio/ 9:30 - 18:30
    ◇Food/11:00 - 18:30 (Restaurant Be-doro is open until 23:00)
  • Closed: December 30th - January 1st
    *Some shops closes at different day.
  • Free Admission
  • Credit Card: Available at some shops (Restaurant Be-doro is available at dinner time)
  • WiFi: N/A
  • URL Link
There are many small shops in the courtyard.