OU Hotel / OU Land
OU Hotel is situated at the entrance of Kaike Onsen Hot Spring distirct. It is 5-min. walk from the hotel to Kaike swimming beach. OU Land is a hot spring facility, established next to the hotel, and very popular among local beach-goers. Only the use of hot spring is welcome.
- Address: 1-18-1 Kaikeonsen, Yonago City, Tottori Prefecture
- Phone: +81-859-31-3333
- Wi-Fi: Not Available
- Credit Card Facilities: Available
- Hot Spring Only:
Adults 350yen, Children 60yen
Open 10:00 - 23:00
* Private family bath is available upon request (1500yen). - Access:JR米子駅からバス・タクシーで皆生温泉まで約15~20分
- URL: Follow this Link