Gosho Aoyama Manga Factory
The Gosho Aoyama Manga Factory is a manga museum created for Gosho Aoyama for his works of Detective Conan. The museum has been located in his hometown Hokuei, Tottori Prefecture. The museum shows original illustration of his manga works. It has been surrounded by various bronze statues of the series characters. There is also Conan Bridge near the museum.
- Gosho Aoyama Manga Factory(青山剛昌ふるさと館)
- Address: 1414 Yurashuku, Hokuei-cho, Tohaku-gun, Tottori Prefecture
- Tel: 0858-37-5389
- Opening Hours: Everyday 9:30 - 17:30 (17:00 from November to March)
- Admission: Adult- 700yen
Junior and High-School Students - 500yen
Elementary school students - 300円yen
Infant-Free - Access: 18 min. walk from JR Yura Station
- Wi-fi: --
- URL: http://www.gamf.jp/