If you want to use ATM for cashing service).
Arrive at East Mall (If you want to go to shopping).
Arrive at East Mall
*If you want to use ATM for cashing service, please get off at West Mall, and see "Details".
You will take the bus back to Yonago Station at the same stop.
▼Detail (ATM inside AEON building)
ATM inside AEON building
The list of available credit cards.
East Mall Bus Stop
▼Detail (Japan Post Bank ATM)
Japan Post Bank ATM
Get off the bus at West Mall bus stop. With your back against the AEON building, walk 3 minutes to your right, and you will find Hiezu Post Office. Cashing service in Japanese yen is available at the ATM.
West Mall Bus Stop↓
Hiezu Post Office↓
Press "ENGLISH GUIDE" button↓
Wast Mall Bus Stop