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Uradome Coast and Haomisaki Cape Nature Trails

Uradome Coast Nature Trail extends between Ajiro-ko Port (網代港) and Tago-ko Port (田後港). Haomisaki Nature Trails extends between Kumaihama Beach (熊井浜) and Haomisaki Cape (羽尾岬). The distance of each course is approximately 3 kilometers, and one can enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Facility Name: Uradome Coast and Haomisaki Cape Nature Trails (浦富海岸・羽尾岬自然探勝路)

Address: Ajiro, Iwami-cho, Iwami-gun, Tottori Prefecture
Phone: Iwami-cho Sightseeing Bureau +81-857-73-1416,  Iwami-cho Chamber of Commerce +81-857-72-0588
Access: Take Nihon Kotsu bus bound for Tottori Station from JR Iwami Station for 14 minutes. Get off the bus at Ajiro and walk for 3 minutes.
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